As if this were my last words I would love to say that Im so thankful to have had the opportunity to live on this beautiful planet Earth. There is so much that I can't even count the things that I have seen that had amazed me, or the activities that I enjoy doing. This planet is just so wonderful, it has everything we need and more, all we want to experience or see is right here.
I'm so grateful to be here and It makes me happy to realize that I had to deserve this or else I wouldn't be here. I look around me and I can acknowledge all the love that there is. Sometimes It doesn't make sense all this wonderful experience and I suffer because I worry. But other times I just would get so sensible to all the beauty around me, all the kindnes and abundance in nature.

Right now I feel that all I need to be happy is water and food.... and the love of those around me, and the love coming from all sources. Life is plenty of what we need we just have to appreciate this whole world. Right now I love the clouds because they are beautiful, I love my dog because he is fun and cute, I think its cute about myself that I love taking care of my plants and really take it seriously, I love the flavors of the fruits, and the sounds of nature. I love music and I love feelings. I love mistakes and I love realizing I've done the right thing. I think it is wonderful to have snow on winter and be able to snowboard. And the summer where you feel the rays of the sun more than ever in your skin and see all sorts of creatures like insects or bugs all around. And oh my God the moon is a beautiful gift... maybe it doesnt have a utility other than being amazingly gorgeous and making me and other people happy... or maybe it has... either way, Thank you UNIVERSE, thank you God, for letting us be here.