I’m not afraid of my feelings anymore.
I've felt the worst and I've felt the best.
I've thought theres nothing fun
But I've also felt days should have at least 45 hours.
I've been insecure and I've acted self confident
I've felt weak and I've reacted with maturity
And still feel good because I made it myself
I've thought I shouldnt talk so much about myself because people could know
more about me than I do
But then I actually dont give a shit and I still do it.
When I feel extreme happiness one day
I shouldnt wonder anymore why the next day I feel down
I love nature and I am very sensitive to it.
I still dont know why I react so terrified when I see a black and yellow
circle, one inside another, since I can remember.
I recognice my feelings but I cannot express them with words the whole time.
It gross me out to see dead insects or dead plants
If people had eyes 3 times bigger I'd probabbly avoid going out of my house.
Most of my friends and family dont have a clue of the good things I see In them
eventhough all the rest know, but them.
Im not weak, but I like feeling loved
Sometimes I regret about what I did so much
That I dont say im sorry because my words will never explain how I feel
Sometimes I know Im doing something bad
I know It will come back to me
And still do it
I've cried just for the pleasure of doing it
I've also bited my lips to avoid crying when it has been the most impossible
thing to do at the time.
I've had so strong emotions that for a while I've had problems with breathing
But all those things made me know Im fine now
And those things pass
I know that all the feelings that I can have exist in the world
And Im allowed to have them
I've played to be silly just to avoid facing the truth
Thats my most used mask
And the funniest thing, is that people believe me
Maybe everybody does that, maybe not.
I do not believe in God, I feel God. I think its not a believing issue.
I think I've never felt completely alone in the world.
I like thinking impossible things, because maybe, at times, they dont seem
I've always been in love with the moon.
There is something special about the moon that the sun doesnt have.
I wish it comes the day when I will discover my true self and stop playing
games of being someone else
Its because I love acting so much
I love to play to be someone else, made up by me.
But where’s me?
I dont need to identify myself with my appereance and the things I do anymore.
Being tall is not me
Having always long hair is not me
Being funny sometimes can be me actually... because humor cant be acted
but there are many things that I think its me and its not. Because they can
Im done for now, time to go to bed.