martes, 17 de enero de 2012


Para Español: Amor a uno mismo

Some days ago I was riding my bike, and I started thinking about self love. I mentally divided it into 3 levels.

The first level, the earthly, it’s about taking care of one self. Which means, eating healthy, taking care of ones hygiene, appearance, health, do some exercising, rest, etc. But this level also extends to taking care of your environment, so have your house clean and tidy, etc.

On the second level, which is a little deeper, we are loyal to our own morals. We respect ourselves and we establish our own limits in our relations with others. We can realize what our needs are and we pay attention to them. We relate to people who make us feel good, and we go to places where we feel good. We allow ourselves to be who we really are.

On the third level, that is a lot deeper and spiritual, we find God in ourselves. On this level we love ourselves just as we are. Our virtues and faults are both beautiful manifestations of us, and we feel love for who we are with both of them. We don’t criticize ourselves and neither do we have negative thoughts or remain in painful memories because we are not capable of torturing ourselves with these. So we only remain on positive thinking, and changing the negative into positive as soon as we realize we are stuck in negative. Because we love ourselves, and we want the best for us.

On this level, the exchange is essential. Once we meet God inside our hearts we have reached our essence and we connect with our gifts, virtues, and our light. Which is why, practicing self-love is done by serving people who we relate to.

Love is like water, if it doesn’t flow, it stagnates. If it flows, it purifies. So, if I learn to love myself, inevitably I will share this love with the people who surround me.

Through meditation I will connect with my inner spirit and light, and I will achieve levels of love never experienced before, and in this same moment, I have to share them. We don’t have to let the light stagnate, everything has to flow, and this way I will be flowing and I will move into a new consciousness.

In this moment were I feel an immense love for myself, I feel an immense love for creation and for people. To love yourself, you must know yourself. Know your light and your darkness. And love both. Once I know myself I know which is my place, and how can I contribute to others. This is when we share with others our inner richness found in our souls. Nurture with your own light your friends and the ones who ask for your help and you will be loving yourself. Loving others is loving yourself. Give yourself to others and you will be giving love to yourself. In your own way of serving others, you will be connecting with God and you will be receiving the strength from him.

You give, and you receive. What you give to others, you give to yourself.

PS: On the third level I have to thank my Master, who guided my pen while I was writting. :) Love you!

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